Stratesave 7.0 Organized Backup Program Help Files

Network Backup with Stratesave

Stratesave backs up remote network drives, which can be selected through network share (UNC) name, e.g. \\myserver\share\dir, or \\mypc\C$. Network image backups and full backups with System State, require Stratesave network agent key or Stratesave Server and Network version. Also for network full backups, specify/select remote drives through their share (UNC) names, not with the mapped drive letter. That way, you can fully backup/restore networks with unlimited number of Windows PCs, without Software installed on the networked PCs.

Best policies for network backups

Select remote administrative shares for backup C$, D$ etc, don't backup mapped drives.

For the remote backup/restore, a TCP/IP-connection will be established from the backup server where Stratesave is running to the backup client on port 5132. The firewall on the backup-client must be opened on this port, and any firewall in between, for the connection to work. Otherwise the transfer is done over named pipe connection, which is slower.

For Remote Backup of Windows Workstation, remote access must be enabled by UAC. On the remote Windows Workstation-Computer, define DWORD Registry value LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, set it to value 1, then reboot. Alternatively, enable the real built-in Administrator account and use it for the remote access. Another option is to turn off User Access Control (UAC). For Windows 10 it seems only access with the builtin Administrator account will work, not a normal user with Administrator rights. Also following Registry keys need to be set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters : AutoShareWks and AutoShareServer both to DWORD value 1, then reboot.

For Remote Backup of Windows Workstation, Remote Registry Service must be enabled and running on the Computer(s) to be backed up. On remote Workstation, enable and Start the Remote Registry Service. On later Windows versions, this service stops automatically after some time. If this is the case, define a REG_DWORD Registry value named DisableIdleStop with the value 1 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RemoteRegistry .

For full backup, select System State and the Administrative shares C$, D$ etc. for backup, which backup the entire drives. Do not backup other system defined shares.

Best policy is to run Stratesave from an account which also has Administrator access on the remote computers (same username/password). This avoids Stratesave retrying with provided credentials.

To backup Windows computer remotely, security settings must allow access from the backup Server. This should be Administrator access for full backups and remote registry access. Also, networked full backup including Registry and COM+ databases need the Remote Registry Service running. This service is running per default.

See also: Network Database Backup
Backup to Network Server disk (for example for Laptops)

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